I Can't Even by Lani Lynn Vale
Title: I Can't Even Series: Carter Brothers #2 Author: Lani Lynn Vale Genre: Romantic Suspense Trope: Bad Girl/Good Guy Release Date: June 4, 2024 BLURB Ellodie Cassandra Solaire made a single, solitary New Year’s resolution. That resolution was set in stone, and she wouldn’t be breaking it, no matter what. It was simple: Say yes to every person who asks her out on a date until she finds a boyfriend. Easy, right? Wrong. She breaks that New Year’s resolution three months into the year after a guy gives her serial killer vibes. Fast forward three months, and she’s unhappily saying yes to any man who asks. Until one day, there she is, eating a chicken burrito waiting for traffic to clear, and he appears like a knight in shining armor. One second, she’s counting down the seconds until the parade dissipates so she can go home, and the next, a car is flying through the air directly beside her, courtesy of a hot cop performing a PIT maneuver. It’s during the middle of the arrest ...