Duck's Salvation by Andi Rhodes
Title: Duck's Salvation Series: Satan's Legacy MC #4 Author: Andi Rhodes Genre: MC Romance Release Date: November 29, 2022 BLURB Duck… I finally have the life I want: an amazing fiancĂ©e, a baby on the way, Satan’s Legacy MC as my family. And then an accident, or my own stupidity, changes the course of my life forever. Unable to look at me, my fiancĂ© removes herself from the picture, leaving me with a premature baby who requires more love and care than I know how to give. As I struggle to cope with it all, the last thing I need is some chick trying to do and say what she thinks are all the right things. No, I want to wallow in self-pity and go on a violent spree that will take the edge off the pain. The problem is, no matter how much I try to dull my emotions and fortify my walls against her, she doesn’t back down. And just when I realize I’m fighting a losing battle and need her in my life, trouble shows up at my door, threatening to shatter the new life I’m creati...