The Return of Avalon by D. Williams
Title: The Return of Avalon Series: The Knights of Camelot Book 1 Author: D. Williams Genre: Fantasy Romance/MMF Romance Release Date: December 30, 2022 ★★★★★ Goodreads Review - “Wow, this is so different from what I normally read. I wasn't sure on it but took the chance as I enjoyed D. Willams as an author. I'm so glad I did, because it was a great book.” Earth isn’t how you imagined it would be. My parents' grandparents tried to warn us, but we didn’t listen. We’ve destroyed ourselves to the point of extinction. Sixty years, give or take, is what the human race has left before the population drops below what we scientists call the critical level. I’m convinced the solution is found in nature. Something we had is now missing, and since we’ve killed seventy percent of this planet, I’m not sure I’ll find what we need to survive. I don’t believe in miracles. The world lost spiritually around WWIII. It’s going to take nothing short of magic to save us, but I’m...