Got Your Six by Giulia Lagomarsino
Title: Got Your Six Series: Owens Protective Services Book 6 Author: Giulia Lagomarsino Genre: Alpha/Protector Romance Release Date: January 30, 2023 Action, Adventure, and a good woman—that’s all I crave. A chance to prove my love for a woman by risking my life for her. Everyone else gets to do it, so why not me? Except, I never imagined she would vanish without a trace. I thought she had been taken by a gang or a serial killer. It turns out, she’s what they call a runner. Yeah, you heard me right. She runs when people get too close to her. And not because she has emotional baggage or something. She doesn’t like people, which I don’t get. I’m great people! That night playing Battleship will go down in the books as one of the best nights of my life. But apparently, I scared her off when I said I was coming back for her. And then she landed herself in a Russian prison. And of course, now she needs me to come to the rescue. Yeah, I’ll do it. She’s my girl. Why wouldn’...