Knight of Dagger & Darkness by Ava Speirs
Title: Knight of Dagger & Darkness Series: Order of the Ravens Series Book 3 Author: Ava Speirs Genre: Fantasy Release Date: March 28, 2023 Cover Design: Covers by Christian Betrayal cloaks the truth in darkness. Bastian’s faith in all that he knows, and trusts, is shattered with the overwhelming loss to the Order, and their mission. Devastated and left with no choice but fleeing into the unknown, Bastian and his fellow Ravens face the dangers of the Barrens—unchartered land where only the brave dare tread and few survive. As Bastian and his faithful knights navigate the treacherous and unfamiliar, Echo seeks sanctuary amongst those she once believed her enemy. Separated from her trusted companions, she must put her blind trust in those who do not care about her mission or her cause. As the Mystic makes his striking move for power, the brittle courts of the Five Kingdoms are under threat from a devious man who wields the power of the new Gods. As the Gods ...