Raven by Nikki Landis
Title: Raven Series: Devil's Murder MC #2 Author: Nikki Landis Genre: MC Romantic Suspense Paranormal Romance Release Date: March 31, 2023 BLURB Raven , V.P. of the Devil's Murder MC, is no stranger to loss. Four months ago, his best friend Rook, president of the club, was gunned down and left for dead. Vengeance becomes his focus as Rook's son Crow returns home to take his place as the new president. The hunt begins for Rook's murderers, leading Raven to an abandoned house outside Las Vegas. When he enters and finds an innocent young woman being held against her will, terrorized by the rival club Dirty Death, his rage unleashes. Raven's protective instincts kick in. He won't let anyone harm Brianna, even if that means he goes rogue to keep her safe. But he doesn't expect the men who took her to attack so soon. Brianna is in danger, and he can't allow her to be kidnapped again. Going off-grid, he sneaks away in the night, taking her to a safe...